Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Où sont les plumes?

I've been using OneNote. I am not sure why the date is listed as Friday, July 9, 2010, when it is clearly Tuesday, July 13, 2010. Perhaps some kind of mistake on the part of the computer? Or perhaps it's because the date is only updated when the page is created. It is obviously the latter; I just said that to have something to say. That and I like typing out dates. If I were feeling really pedantic, I would have typed out the year as two thousand and ten. Let's all be grateful I'm not.

I have to say that I like the idea of OneNote. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's quite serviceable. I agree it would be very useful with a tablet PC. You know if there were others besides the iPad. It is very much like a three ring binder, except since it's digital, I can't doodle. Well, I could. But I'd be drawing with a mouse and that never looks good.

Since I have OneNote 2010 at home, I should find a way to make use of it. Sadly, unlike other Office programs, I'm pretty sure Microsoft doesn’t have an online component. Correction: apparently it does. Hmm. Not terrible. A bit better than Google Docs. At least there's an intuitive way to close the document you're working on (other than closing the tab/window, that is). Also, it works in Chrome: another bonus point.

Les Coleurs
Le vert est ma coleur préférée. Je porte une chemise verte aujourd'hui. Le bleu est une jolie coleur aussi. Mais, il n'est pas ma coleur préférée.

Aujourd'hui, il pleut. Il est en train de pleuvoir très fort. J'espère que je puisse aller à pied. J'ai besoin de l'exercice.

Eh. I'll do it tomorrow.

I realize it was just a joke, but the thought of someone sending pizza rolls, via mail, makes me ill. I don't want to imagine what they'd look like once they arrived at their destination. And, if they were send via Media Mail….
I can't imagine the end result would be edible.

Encore, Merci à M. Izzard
La plume de ma tante est près de la chaise de ma tante.

Final Score 0-√(3-4)

Oh yeah, I went there.

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