Thursday, July 22, 2010


There's a reason I can't do stream of consciousness very well. I can't just write; I have to make sure everything is spelled and punctuated correctly. I second guess myself and revise as I write. That is one of my bigger writing mistakes, in general. I shouldn't revise as I write. I should write and get everything out. Only then, once I've finished, should I revise.

Another issue with stream of consciousness writing is getting frequently distracted or interrupted. You're not going to be able to get very far if someone bugs you every five seconds. Though, the collection of thought snippets might be interesting, if you can collect them over an extended period of time. Well, maybe.

But now, I want to talk about color. Not colour, but color. The extra u is certainly not needed. I've always wondered why we prefer some colors over others. I'm going to answer my own question by saying that everyone has their own preferences. Well, that was pointless. Anyway, I tend to prefer blues and greens. As I stated in a previous entry, dark green is one of my favorite colors. But blues are very nice too. I love when the sky is a very deep blue. As with green, I'm not all that fond of light or pastel shades.

There's a very subtle joke in there if you look hard enough. And possibly Waldo, though I'm not quite sure about that one.

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